This item will be Special Ordered just for you from the manufacturer. We do not stock this item due to its uniqueness or import frequency. Typically it takes about 1-2 weeks to arrive from the factory. Review our Special Order terms here.
Product Features
• PL to PL Mount
• 1.4x focal length extender
• Interchangeable mount system
• Robust, high quality materials
The PLx1.4 Mark II extends the focal length of S35 PL mount lenses by a factor of 1.4 while only losing one stop in the process. The recommended maximum input T-stop is 1.6. In addition to extending the focal length of a lens, the PLx1.4 Mark II enlarges the projected image circle enabling a wide range of standard 35mm format primes and zooms to cover the full 6K frame on the RED Dragon sensor.
The PLx1.4 Mark II is optimized for digital cameras that expect telecentric lens design.